Readers of this page know that Jim and I have been working on the Teen Parent film for months and years. Yesterday, we recorded the final voice over with Kathy Brock, the ABC7 Chicago news anchor. We recorded the session
57 Channels (and Nothin’ On)
With apologies to Bruce Springsteen, there’s nothing on TV. There is an interesting article in the current Atlantic called “The Revolution Will Be Televised.” In short it is about how some people are getting rid of their TVs and are
School Security
When I was in college, Security was the name of the most popular band at school, and thinking of them was the only time I ever thought about security on campus. But now I am on the other side of
The Red Camera
This is a picture of the Red Camera all stripped down. Not all that impressive looking, but it is a piece of technology which is going to change the film production process. For eight days beginning Jan. 30 and ending
Internet, Films and Education Reform
There is an interesting interview in today’s Wall Street Journal with Reed Hastings the CEO of Netflix. Netflix is partnering with a Korean company to create a (TV) set top box which will allow users to stream films from the
Viral Marketing
I was interviewing a perspective student ten days ago and asked what part of the film business most interested her and she said the viral marketing of films. I was surprised because I ask this same question to all the
Let it Snow
I have been swamped with work and now a foot of snow. The dumb filmmaker apologizes for his absence from this page, but promises to return with all new exciting posts on viral marketing, Flashpoint Academy’s production-in-action- film, The Intruder,