There was an interesting editorial in Friday’s New York Times about how the University of California-Irvine botched the hiring of the dean of their new law school scheduled to open in 2009. This was fascinating to me in many ways.
Circle of Life
“Old Man look at my life, I am a lot like you were.” I heard that Neil Young song recently and those lyrics really hit home. 40 some years ago my dad and mom packed up their relatively comfortable New
Starting Up
Prior to Flashpoint the only previous experience I have with a start up venture was 20 years ago when I worked for the Museum of Broadcast Communications. Even then I was just a first generation hire, starting right around the
Post It!
Who would have thought that the most valuable tool in building a college curriculum would be Post It Notes? In the Flashpoint office we have a wall, much like this one, full of two-foot square month by month calendars going
Drinking the Kool-Aid
On Wednesday this past week Howard Tullman, President and CEO of Flashpoint Academy, cuffed me on the back of the head. Yesterday, as we were waiting for people to arrive at a Flashpoint open house, founder and chairman Ric Landry
Sentimental Education- Part 2
Flaubert’s Sentimental Education (that’s him to the left) is a ironic and pessimistic novel, but what would you expect from the man who wrote Madame Bovary. I would like to think I am not that dark (I am an Optimist’s
Sentimental Education- Part 1
School resumed this week in Chicago and the big yellow buses are a reminder of just how much I hated going to school. While I was a good student and had lots of friends and did lots of extracurricular activities
Hard at Work
Labor Day got me thinking about hard work- something I try to avoid at all costs. Aren’t p.a.s and t.a.s supposed to do the hard stuff while directors and “professors” do the “Big Picture” work? One of those cliches (if
Laboring On
It is Labor Day weekend and for most of us that means a work holiday on Monday. Those of us in the freelance filmmaking or college building businesses never seem to get a day off, there is always something to
You Can’t Give It Away
Ten years ago this week we were hired to make a pair of commercials for Canada Dry and Schweppes. It was a promotional commercial and we had two build two sets using bottles of Ginger Ale, Club Soda and Tonic